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Production History
Cinderella and A 21st century Christmas Carol directed by Peta Flanigan. Aladdin Jr directed by Emma Leadon
Bedbugs and Transyl-Mania directed by Peta Flanigan
Sticks and Stones, Wizard of Oz, Drop Dead Juliet and Elf Jr. directed by Peta Flanigan
Third United Kingdom International Drama Tour: The Girl Who Cried Wolf directed by Peta Flanigan
One Act Festival - Careful What You Wish For and Rocky and Moose Meet Drabula and his Bunch of Wierdos directed by Peta Flanigan
One Act Festival - Who am I? and The Fairytale Network directed by Peta Flanigan
One Act Festival - #Hashtag directed by Emma Leadon, Snow White and the Dreadful Dwarfs and Writer's Block directed by Peta Flanigan
Second United Kingdom International Drama Tour: A Land of Legends (We’ll tell you the tale) directed by Peta Flanigan
One Act Festival - Bedbugs, Truth Juice and Cinderella's Bad Hair Day directed by Peta Flanigan
One Act Festival - Careful What you Wish For, Rocky and Moose Meet Drabula and his Bunch of Wierdos and Angel’s Children directed by Peta Flanigan
Inaugural United Kingdom International Drama Tour: River Dreaming directed by Peta Flanigan
Stuart Little, One Act Festival - Willawally Primary School, Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations and This Isn’t Exactly How I Expected It directed by Peta Flanigan
Peter Pan, One Act Festival - Water Pressure, Future World, Date From Hell
Annie Jr directed by Sophie Fryer-Smith, Singin' in the Rain, One Act Festival - Goodonya Josie, Snow White and the Dreadful Dwarfs directed by Peta Flanigan. Heartbeat written and directed Kathleen Del Casale
Official Launch of Snapshot Youth Theatre Company: Alice in Wonderland Jr. directed by Peta Flanigan, Cinderella Pantomime - Playlovers Theatre, One Act Festival - My First, Definition - Yours or Mine, If Looks Could Kill directed by Peta Flanigan
Productions prior to the official launch of the company
Guys and Dolls Jr, Youth Ensemble - Cosi directed by Peta Flanigan
West Side Story directed by Peta Flanigan
The Wiz directed by Paul Litwin, Romeo and Harriet directed by Peta Flanigan
Robin Hood directed by Peta Flanigan, Grease directed by Paul Litwin
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